Off-The Shoulder Blues

One of the things that I've been doing quite a bit lately is collaborating with other creatives here in Columbus! There's no doubt about it, Columbus is busting at the seams with creativity. From fellow stylists, event planners, fashion designers, graphic designers, photographers, you name it. One of the things I love most about working with other creatives, is how it naturally stretches you.

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Breakfast at Kitties

Breakfast at Kitties? Why yes, please!There are many moments when I like to channel my inner Audrey Hepburn. And I think the reasons why are pretty obvious...she's the epitome of classic chic and y'all know I love classic. When I find myself wanting to stylistically be "Audrey" for the day, I like to approach things classically, all while making sure there is a "small" dose of edge that gives it my touch.

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Casual Swag, Style Casual Swag, Style

Sel Rosé

With our temperatures on the up and up, I knew I had to get busy and share this look! I know, it's a bell-sleeve mockneck and in the dead of Spring. LOL. But I must admit, it's kinda perfect for Spring. Incredibly light and breathable for these warm temperatures we are FINALLY having! Bless it.

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Life Life

Truthful Wednesdays: Living In Between

It's hard to believe that my adventure as a style influencer started nearly five years ago. Well, technically it started four years ago, because during Year One, I didn't do a whole lot. I was basically running around New York City doing my thang and could have cared less about blogging...I got around to it when I had the "spare" time.

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Beauty Beauty

A Few of My Favorite Things: Vol. 1

Well, hello Friday. To say that this week has gone polar opposite of how I planned it would be, is a complete understatement. Y'all. Being an adult is seriously no joke. Some weeks are tougher than others, but that's just life. I'm just thankful that its Friday and that I'll be eating hot wings tonight. hahaha.

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Fresh Perspective.

I'm pretty much the worst at finishing my magazines. I purchase them with the intention of doing a super cool flat lay for Instagram, finding some new style inspiration and all that other good stuff. However, that typically never happens. Determined to change my ways, I just completed InStyle's March magazine yesterday.

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Winter To Spring

Spring may officially be here according to the calendar, but it's NOT here physically. Well, at least not in Ohio. Per the weather app on my iPhone, we do have some "warmer" days on the horizon. However, considering how bipolar our winter has been, I am not getting my hopes up just yet!

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Casual Swag, Style Casual Swag, Style

Perfectly Wrapped: 1 of 2

There's one thing that I never leave home without and that's either a sweater or scarf. Being cold natured, I know it is highly likely that I will find myself freezing at some point. Heck, I find myself freezing at home. To put it simply, sweaters and scarves are my go-to's for warmth!

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Vertical + Velvet

Vertical stripes + a little dose of velvet. My frand Val would say and I quote, "Yassssssss Queen ." I have to say, there is something quite magical about the velvet trend. I literally cannot get enough of it these days. Granted, I was a little late to whole-heartedly accepting the trend, but now that I have "my pieces," I am completely and utterly obsessed.

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Fancy Smancy, Style Fancy Smancy, Style


Aujourd'hui. Ahh, how I long to speak French. Aujourd'hui means TODAY. Honestly, I should have taken French rather than Spanish, but I barely made it out of that class with a B. Word on the street is that French is about a million times harder. I don't doubt it.

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Casual Swag, Style Casual Swag, Style

Rainy Wednesday

I know, I know. Why am I wearing a chunky sweater and blanket scarf? Well, it's because I captured these photos in January! So yes, I've had these images for awhile now! However, with our bipolar weather, it is highly likely that we'll be wearing sweaters and scarfs at some point before Spring officially comes!

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Fall, Life, Style Fall, Life, Style

Abercrombie & Fitch: The World's First

Y'all, Abercrombie & Fitch is BACK. And no, I'm not just saying that. Yesterday evening, I had the opportunity to attend an Influencer Only Event to see Abercrombie's, First In the World, new store concept. Only gone are the days of the overpowering scent that Abercrombie is notoriously known for, as well as the dim lighting.

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Casual Swag, Style Casual Swag, Style

A Little Juxt

There's one word that I am certain Jason never wants to hear again and that's juxtaposition. Hands down, it's my favorite word to use to explain my love for fashion, art, decorating, etc. He just gives me that look when I say it. LOL. It's so funny.

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Life, Style Life, Style

GiGi New York Uber Clutch + Winter Sale

If you have been a part of the Live Love and Read tribe for some time now, then you already know to what degree I encourage my readers to make intentional, well-thought out purchases. While we live in a society that encourages "BUY NOW," I have learned that you are much better off shopping with intent.

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Over the last couple of months, I have learned quite a bit about myself. One of those things being that I absolutely love those richer, deeper reds. Cranberry, Marsala, Wine, whatever you want to call them, I love them all. For some silly reason, that I likely created in High School, I stayed away from this shade of red until February 2016.

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