A Meaningful Holiday Gift Idea
I've always prided myself on being a good gift giver. Receiving gifts is one of the ways I like to receive love, so naturally I take gift giving very seriously! However, about two Christmas' ago, I began to feel this overwhelming sense of dissatisfaction...that my gifts weren't enough.
Emerald Eyes
Emerald Eyes. Pretty clever name for a post, huh? Wish I could take credit, but I gotta give props to my sister-in-law, Katelyn for sharing her creative brain with me. And speaking of Katelyn, you guys may have noticed on Instagam the {seemingly overwhelming} amount of images showcasing the splendor of North Carolina.
Bell Sleeves + Holiday Sequins
The first weekend of December has already come and gone...we are officially in full Holiday mode! If your schedule is anything like mine, this upcoming weekend commences the first wave of holiday parties/gatherings. For nearly 11 months of the entire year, I do everything in my power to reserve holiday sequins for the month of December ONLY. There's just something about sequins in December that make me one happy camper.
5 Simple + Stylish Holiday Decor Ideas
It's no suprise that I love the stylish things in life. However, when it comes to style, styling clothing comes soooo much more naturally to me than interior design. That sense of uncertainty when it comes to interiors often causes me to shy away from decorating for the holidays!
True Fall Feels
It appears that we are skipping Fall this year. With the time change and the sudden bitter cold, I'm taking the time to flashback to a quick moment. One of those few days when I think we all experienced true fall feels! Second to summer, Fall is my favorite season.
A Touch of Angel Etoile des Rêves
As we grow older in our relationship and become busier with other life task, it appears that our date nights are fewer and far between. Not a bad thing, just a life thing. However, when we do get the chance to pencil in a date night, I love to take the time to make sure I'm feeling and looking my best. For me that starts with a good perfume.
Evening Ritual(s) with Clarins
You already know...I'm a self proclaimed beauty lover. There's just something about beauty products that make my soul happy. Like truly happy. Back in summer, I opened up about my love for facial oils HERE. I truly love a good facial oil...it's the perfect way for me to end my day.
Monday Blues + Orange Suede Shoes
Now that I actually have to get up on Mondays...I can honestly say...those Monday Blues are REAL. I love a fresh start to the week, but the weekend seemingly just whips by and before you know it, it's time to start all over again. Sigh. Such is life or Jason would say, "Welcome to the real world Candace." While I may not be the fondest of Mondays these days, I will say that I'm pretty darn proud of the level of consistency that's been happening with the site since I started with Wardrobe Therapy.
Hello Sweater Weather
Woke up this morning and first thing I did was turn on the HEAT. As of 6:30AM it was 45 degrees out, which means one thing...SWEATER WEATHER. It goes without saying, but I think we have all been anxiously awaiting sweater weather. After all, it's the best part of Fall.
Fall Like Overalls
Overalls for fall 2017? Yes, please. I must admit, I captured these super cool photos seemingly forever ago, but they are totally fall worthy! Additionally, overalls are still a very in thing, so why not share a little style inspiration with you all.
Sandusky, A True Renaissance City
Back in late August, I ventured to Sandusky, OH for a quick stay. Unsure of what to except, I fell madly in love with this darling city. While there are plans for a full Sandusky travel guide to come your way in Spring of 2018, I just could not pass up on the opportunity to share some captured moments with you from my trip.
Good News Friday
I know, I know. It's not actually GOOD FRIDAY, but I have some pretty stellar news and couldn't think of a more fitting name for today's post. As you guys may know, I graduated from graduate school last summer. While we already had plans to make the transition to Columbus, OH, a major reason why we moved here was so that I could pursue a career in Fashion.
Stepping Into Fall
One of things I love most about Fashion is that it’s a continuous lifecycle. Seemingly all the cool styles and brands that I wore as a young gal are becoming staples in my life again. From turtlenecks to overalls to Keds, there’s a whole load of nostalgia happening in my wardrobe right now. Only difference is that I’m older.
An Honest Gal’s Travel Guide to Detroit
And my thought process about traveling stateside is affirmed once again...we truly have some gems right here in the good ole United States. A recently discovered gem that's just four hours north of Columbus, OH is DETROIT, MI. And yes, I'm referring to THE Detroit that is commonly known and referred to as THE Motor City of our great Country.
Remnants of Summer; Part 1
Remnants of Summer '17. If there was a penny for every time I said, "I can't believe how fast time flies," you gals and guys would be RICH. As I grow older, it truly feels like time flies by in super sonic speed.
The SpectraLite
The race to 30 is in full-effect people. I'm just 28 years old, but let's be honest, I'll blink and 30 will be here. One of the things I've heard the most from my gal friends and family is that things JUST change once you cross the 30 threshold. While I have a super positive outlook on life, I'm still doing everything in my power to be prepared for this natural life transition that often effects both physically and emotionally.
Denim Mini
Another day of late summer style. It's no surprise, but I have amazingly long legs. My legs are so long that I often steer clear of wearing "mini" anything. But with chambray everything being so popular, I had to go for this mini denim dress from Tobi.