The Podcast Phenomenon
I can deny it no longer…I’ve joined the Podcast Phenomenon. I know, I know. Us podcast listeners are strange folks. It’s totally one of those things that you love or hate. To be completely honest, I thought I was gonna be a total podcast hater, but I’m soooooooo into it.
The Beauty of Unexpected Friendships
It’s funny to think that as life changes, so do your friendships and relationships with others. To be honest, I don’t think that is something that most of us like to think about. However, it is a simple reality of life. While this season of life can be brutally painful, it is also amazingly wonderful to see what new friendships come to the surface.
A Holiday Gift For The Beauty Lovin' Gal
While I know I often start every post like this, you gals are fully aware of my love for beauty products. I mean, I've devoted every ounce of my bathroom storage to beauty products! It could borderline be an issue, but we won't go there for now. As you may have read in another post from this week (or a previous holiday post), I've made it my new life goal to gift intentionally!
A Meaningful Holiday Gift Idea
I've always prided myself on being a good gift giver. Receiving gifts is one of the ways I like to receive love, so naturally I take gift giving very seriously! However, about two Christmas' ago, I began to feel this overwhelming sense of dissatisfaction...that my gifts weren't enough.
Bell Sleeves + Holiday Sequins
The first weekend of December has already come and gone...we are officially in full Holiday mode! If your schedule is anything like mine, this upcoming weekend commences the first wave of holiday parties/gatherings. For nearly 11 months of the entire year, I do everything in my power to reserve holiday sequins for the month of December ONLY. There's just something about sequins in December that make me one happy camper.
A Touch of Angel Etoile des Rêves
As we grow older in our relationship and become busier with other life task, it appears that our date nights are fewer and far between. Not a bad thing, just a life thing. However, when we do get the chance to pencil in a date night, I love to take the time to make sure I'm feeling and looking my best. For me that starts with a good perfume.
Monday Blues + Orange Suede Shoes
Now that I actually have to get up on Mondays...I can honestly say...those Monday Blues are REAL. I love a fresh start to the week, but the weekend seemingly just whips by and before you know it, it's time to start all over again. Sigh. Such is life or Jason would say, "Welcome to the real world Candace." While I may not be the fondest of Mondays these days, I will say that I'm pretty darn proud of the level of consistency that's been happening with the site since I started with Wardrobe Therapy.
Remnants of Summer; Part 1
Remnants of Summer '17. If there was a penny for every time I said, "I can't believe how fast time flies," you gals and guys would be RICH. As I grow older, it truly feels like time flies by in super sonic speed.
Summer Blooms
And the late summer wanderlust continues. Seriously friends, I have sooooo much summer stuff its kinda crazy. Well, actually just about two more weeks worth and we will be moving right into Fall. While I am definitely a summer lover, I am over the moon for cool temperatures, pumpkin spice things and scarves.
You know that moment when you ruin one of your favorite pieces in the wash? Welp, that happened THIS WEEK to THIS TOP. Devastated does not even begin to explain how upset I am about loosing this piece from my summer wardrobe collection. At least I was able to get some good photos in it before I ruined it.
Back To School: The Graduate School Edition
And just like that, it's already time for school to commence again! Well, not for me, but for all the kiddos and college students out there. I'm finding it a little hard to believe that I have been done with graduate school for exactly a year and two months NOW. While I miss the idea and routine of school, I don't actually miss "school."
A Few of My Favorite Things: Vol. 2
It's definitely been a long time coming, but I'm excited to be back with Vol 2 of A Few of My Favorite Things! If you want the LONG STORY as to why I started this new series on the blog, I encourage you to shoot over to the inaugural post HERE. But here's the reader's digest version, just in case...I simply wanted to create an opportunity for my readers to experience products/brands that I have grown to love, hence the creation of A Few of My Favorite Things.
Evening Wear Wanderlust with David's Bridal
If you’ve been following me awhile now, then you already know that I have infinite love for evening wear. I am personally convinced that my love for gowns started at a young age, thanks to dance and my participation in pageants. Yup, typical Southern Bell here.
Gage Hotel
Happy 4th of July my sweet friends! While most of you are out enjoying (which you should be), I am currently trying to get caught up on life. As I have said on numerous occasions, the last couple of months have been interesting for me. Lots of change, growing, stretching and all of those other fun adjectives.
Summer White: Five Bloggers, Five Ways
I'm a Southern gal, so naturally I'm drawn to crisp whites and of course, summertime is the best time to rock a crisp white. There's something perfectly refreshing, charming and feminine about wearing white...and honestly, I don't wear it enough!
Four Years
Wowzers, that was super quick. Four Years. In some sense, it really does feel like it was yesterday that we got married. On the other hand, it seems like we've been together for an eternity already! ha.
The Most Perfect Graduation Gift
It's hard to believe it's been nearly 10 years since I graduated from High School. I am currently planning my class reunion, which will be happening in just a few short weeks! Eeeek. There's no doubt about it, graduating from High School was an incredibly fun part of life and for so many reasons!
Truthful Wednesdays: Inconsistencies
I feel like it's pretty safe to cue Brittany Spear's "Ooops, I Did It Again." Inconsistency has definitely been my middle name for the last couple of weeks. To be completely honest, life has been serving me all kinds of curveballs. From personal things to work things to life things...I've been hardcore riding the struggle bus in the creative department.
Off-The Shoulder Blues
One of the things that I've been doing quite a bit lately is collaborating with other creatives here in Columbus! There's no doubt about it, Columbus is busting at the seams with creativity. From fellow stylists, event planners, fashion designers, graphic designers, photographers, you name it. One of the things I love most about working with other creatives, is how it naturally stretches you.