Four Years
Wowzers, that was super quick. Four Years. In some sense, it really does feel like it was yesterday that we got married. On the other hand, it seems like we've been together for an eternity already! ha.
Year No. 4 has been a major year of transition for us. Honestly, the list of transitions is soooooo long it would take me another four years to write that list. From relocating to a new city, career transition for Jason, me completing graduate school, just to name a few. So many things that we found easy and comfortable while living in Parkersburg are totally challenging us here in Columbus. Not necessarily bad challenges, just one of those seasons of challenges that grow ya and stretch ya in the most uncomfortable ways possible. I'm just ready to be on the other side of this transitional season so we can focus on other things, like starting a family, purchasing a home and all that other fun adult stuff. With the life lessons learned from Year No. 3, which was lowered expectations and continuing to love another despite the hiccups along the way, we are making it! There's no doubt about it, marriage is TOUGH!! It requires a whole lot of hard work, a whole lot of love, a whole lot of grace and a whole lot of Jesus.