Life Life

5 Simple + Stylish Holiday Decor Ideas

It's no suprise that I love the stylish things in life. However, when it comes to style, styling clothing comes soooo much more naturally to me than interior design. That sense of uncertainty when it comes to interiors often causes me to shy away from decorating for the holidays!

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Fall, Life, Style Fall, Life, Style

Good News Friday

I know, I know. It's not actually GOOD FRIDAY, but I have some pretty stellar news and couldn't think of a more fitting name for today's post. As you guys may know, I graduated from graduate school last summer. While we already had plans to make the transition to Columbus, OH, a major reason why we moved here was so that I could pursue a career in Fashion.

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Life, Style, Summer Life, Style, Summer

Four Years

Wowzers, that was super quick. Four Years. In some sense, it really does feel like it was yesterday that we got married. On the other hand, it seems like we've been together for an eternity already! ha.

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Life Life

The Most Perfect Graduation Gift

It's hard to believe it's been nearly 10 years since I graduated from High School. I am currently planning my class reunion, which will be happening in just a few short weeks! Eeeek. There's no doubt about it, graduating from High School was an incredibly fun part of life and for so many reasons!

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Life, Spring, Style Life, Spring, Style

Truthful Wednesdays: Inconsistencies

I feel like it's pretty safe to cue Brittany Spear's "Ooops, I Did It Again." Inconsistency has definitely been my middle name for the last couple of weeks. To be completely honest, life has been serving me all kinds of curveballs. From personal things to work things to life things...I've been hardcore riding the struggle bus in the creative department.

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Life Life

Truthful Wednesdays: Living In Between

It's hard to believe that my adventure as a style influencer started nearly five years ago. Well, technically it started four years ago, because during Year One, I didn't do a whole lot. I was basically running around New York City doing my thang and could have cared less about blogging...I got around to it when I had the "spare" time.

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Fall, Life, Style Fall, Life, Style

Abercrombie & Fitch: The World's First

Y'all, Abercrombie & Fitch is BACK. And no, I'm not just saying that. Yesterday evening, I had the opportunity to attend an Influencer Only Event to see Abercrombie's, First In the World, new store concept. Only gone are the days of the overpowering scent that Abercrombie is notoriously known for, as well as the dim lighting.

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Life, Style Life, Style

GiGi New York Uber Clutch + Winter Sale

If you have been a part of the Live Love and Read tribe for some time now, then you already know to what degree I encourage my readers to make intentional, well-thought out purchases. While we live in a society that encourages "BUY NOW," I have learned that you are much better off shopping with intent.

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Fall, Life, Style Fall, Life, Style

Grace, Not Perfection

So, here's the truth...I've been in a funk for the last couple of weeks. Lack of creativity, dissatisfaction, annoyance, etc. Honestly, I feel/felt like a bit of a walking zombie...just going through the motions of life. I knew something "weird' was going on when I realized I was losing my "want to", to even post here on the blog.

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