Casual Swag, Fall, Style Casual Swag, Fall, Style

True Fall Feels

It appears that we are skipping Fall this year. With the time change and the sudden bitter cold, I'm taking the time to flashback to a quick moment. One of those few days when I think we all experienced true fall feels! Second to summer, Fall is my favorite season.

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Fall, Life, Style Fall, Life, Style

Good News Friday

I know, I know. It's not actually GOOD FRIDAY, but I have some pretty stellar news and couldn't think of a more fitting name for today's post. As you guys may know, I graduated from graduate school last summer. While we already had plans to make the transition to Columbus, OH, a major reason why we moved here was so that I could pursue a career in Fashion.

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Fall Fall

Stepping Into Fall

One of things I love most about Fashion is that it’s a continuous lifecycle. Seemingly all the cool styles and brands that I wore as a young gal are becoming staples in my life again. From turtlenecks to overalls to Keds, there’s a whole load of nostalgia happening in my wardrobe right now. Only difference is that I’m older. 

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Fall, Life, Style Fall, Life, Style

Abercrombie & Fitch: The World's First

Y'all, Abercrombie & Fitch is BACK. And no, I'm not just saying that. Yesterday evening, I had the opportunity to attend an Influencer Only Event to see Abercrombie's, First In the World, new store concept. Only gone are the days of the overpowering scent that Abercrombie is notoriously known for, as well as the dim lighting.

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Fall, Life, Style Fall, Life, Style

Grace, Not Perfection

So, here's the truth...I've been in a funk for the last couple of weeks. Lack of creativity, dissatisfaction, annoyance, etc. Honestly, I feel/felt like a bit of a walking zombie...just going through the motions of life. I knew something "weird' was going on when I realized I was losing my "want to", to even post here on the blog.

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Fall, Style Fall, Style

How To Accessorize Your Look With Eyewear!

And hello 2-0-1-7. And yes, I am aware...I'm about a week late. However, I decided to take a much needed vacation from Instagram and publishing content here on the blog in hopes of recharging, reprioritizing and all that other fun adult stuff. There's no doubt about it, I love doing what I do. However, to keep those creative juices flowing, I've learned there are moments in time when you simply need to pull that's exactly what I did. And now I am BACK.

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