Casual Swag, Style Casual Swag, Style

3 Winter-to-Spring Outfit Ideas

Welp, I think we have officially hit that awkward time in the year where winter isn't exactly over, but it isn't exactly spring! Getting dressed in the mornings can be a little extra complicated as you are likely over your winter clothing and ready to purchase a few new things, but it's the awkward seasonal timing that makes you think twice.

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Fall, Life, Style Fall, Life, Style

Abercrombie & Fitch: The World's First

Y'all, Abercrombie & Fitch is BACK. And no, I'm not just saying that. Yesterday evening, I had the opportunity to attend an Influencer Only Event to see Abercrombie's, First In the World, new store concept. Only gone are the days of the overpowering scent that Abercrombie is notoriously known for, as well as the dim lighting.

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