With a little uncertainty, nearly 5 years ago I started this blog. I was not 100% sure what the outcome would be, but I knew that I wanted to create a space that inspired the everyday gal...a place that inspired her to discover and explore her own timeless style.
Endless Dresses with Ann Taylor
I’ve been a dress lover since my younger years. My mom use to make me all kinds of dresses during my elementary school days. I specifically remember the sunflower dress she made me, as well as the balloon dress. I should try to find photos of those so I can share them with Y' would get a good laugh for sure.
Weekend Luxe with Ann Taylor
Luxe like weekend wear? Ahhh yes, please. Unlike most folks, it's on the weekend when I really try to step up my style game. As a stylist, Monday thru Friday I try to keep my clothing pretty simple, but stylish. Lots of running from here to there!
Good News Friday
I know, I know. It's not actually GOOD FRIDAY, but I have some pretty stellar news and couldn't think of a more fitting name for today's post. As you guys may know, I graduated from graduate school last summer. While we already had plans to make the transition to Columbus, OH, a major reason why we moved here was so that I could pursue a career in Fashion.
Remnants of Summer; Part 1
Remnants of Summer '17. If there was a penny for every time I said, "I can't believe how fast time flies," you gals and guys would be RICH. As I grow older, it truly feels like time flies by in super sonic speed.
Lipstick Essentials for The Wannabe Parisian Girl
There's no doubt about it, I'm an aspiring Parisian! I'm completely and utterly obsessed with the French culture and talk about it often. From fashion, to entertaining, to beauty to French calligraphy, the obsession is real. On my latest quest to continue unveiling my most inner "Parisian" self, I snagged a copy of the famous "How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are" book while out shopping this week.