Beauty Beauty

Finishing Touches with Clarins Beauty

After several weeks of lovely holiday style outfits, I realized that I forgot to chat about one of the most practical ways one might approach adding a little holiday glamour for the season...BEAUTY PRODUCTS. Duh. Without question, rounding up the correct beauty products is one of the easiest ways you can make your holiday look perfect for the season!

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Beauty, Life Beauty, Life

A Holiday Gift For The Beauty Lovin' Gal

While I know I often start every post like this, you gals are fully aware of my love for beauty products. I mean, I've devoted every ounce of my bathroom storage to beauty products! It could borderline be an issue, but we won't go there for now.  As you may have read in another post from this week (or a previous holiday post), I've made it my new life goal to gift intentionally!

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Beauty Beauty

A Touch of Angel Etoile des Rêves

As we grow older in our relationship and become busier with other life task, it appears that our date nights are fewer and far between. Not a bad thing, just a life thing. However, when we do get the chance to pencil in a date night, I love to take the time to make sure I'm feeling and looking my best. For me that starts with a good perfume.

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Beauty Beauty

Evening Ritual(s) with Clarins

You already know...I'm a self proclaimed beauty lover. There's just something about beauty products that make my soul happy. Like truly happy. Back in summer, I opened up about my love for facial oils HERE. I truly love a good facial's the perfect way for me to end my day.

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Beauty Beauty

The SpectraLite

The race to 30 is in full-effect people. I'm just 28 years old, but let's be honest, I'll blink and 30 will be here. One of the things I've heard the most from my gal friends and family is that things JUST change once you cross the 30 threshold. While I have a super positive outlook on life, I'm still doing everything in my power to be prepared for this natural life transition that often effects both physically and emotionally.

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Beauty Beauty

A Few of My Favorite Things: Vol. 2

It's definitely been a long time coming, but I'm excited to be back with Vol 2 of A Few of My Favorite Things! If you want the LONG STORY as to why I started this new series on the blog, I encourage you to shoot over to the inaugural post HERE. But here's the reader's digest version, just in case...I simply wanted to create an opportunity for my readers to experience products/brands that I have grown to love, hence the creation of A Few of My Favorite Things.

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Beauty Beauty

Summertime Beauty with Clarins

If you follow me on Snapchat, then you already know that I have a major love for the facial oil trend that is currently happening in the beauty space. Morning and night, I pretty much lather my face in oil and it's basically the highlight of my day.  I know...I sound crazy...but I'm beauty obsessed.

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Beauty Beauty

Lipstick Essentials for The Wannabe Parisian Girl

There's no doubt about it, I'm an aspiring Parisian! I'm completely and utterly obsessed with the French culture and talk about it often. From fashion, to entertaining, to beauty to French calligraphy, the obsession is real. On my latest quest to continue unveiling my most inner "Parisian" self, I snagged a copy of the famous "How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are" book while out shopping this week.

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Beauty Beauty

A Few of My Favorite Things: Vol. 1

Well, hello Friday. To say that this week has gone polar opposite of how I planned it would be, is a complete understatement. Y'all. Being an adult is seriously no joke. Some weeks are tougher than others, but that's just life. I'm just thankful that its Friday and that I'll be eating hot wings tonight. hahaha.

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Beauty Beauty

Skincare 101: A Parisian Approach w/ Clarins

When it comes to skincare, there is no denying that the FRENCH know best. They are practically geniuses when it comes to all things beauty. Just take a moment and think about your favorite French gal. Yup, she has perfectly hydrated and glowing skin. Ahh.

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