March Spotlight: Let's Talk Wellness

Towards the end of 2019, I strongly began to feel the need to shift things here on the blog a bit. To create content that was deeper and even more impactful. I talked to a few gals in my community and shared my heart with them and by the end of those conversations, I had a sense of peace about this new layer to

The last two years have been major growth years for me and one of those areas of growth has been wellness. I are healthy, you are well, you've seemingly got it all together. Let's back up to one word...seemingly! I too, seemingly, thought I had it all together but I realized through continued self-development, that I was borderline a hot mess and needed to take some true steps towards wellness in my life...I needed to learn how to consistently live in a state of wellness, despite the circumstances and busyness of life.With that being said, I am excited to bring to you a wellness focused month here on the blog! For the next several weeks, I am going to be sharing some tidbits on how you can pursue wellness in your own personal life. And when I say wellness, I mean all things...working out, eating well, mental health and renewing your daily mind and thoughts on how you approach everyday life. I am by no means an expert in this area, so this month I'll be featuring some super cool women who are truly bosses in these areas:Jordan Sugarman, Owner of  Lifted Studios Sunny Fahlgreen, Proprietor of SŌW Plated Achea Redd, Founder of R.E.A.L Girls Fart Regan Walsh, Executive & Life CoachThese ladies will be sharing some nuggets of wisdom that we can all chew on and take with us now and forever! Additionally, I'll be sharing some style components in relation to wellness...think at home cozies, laidback daytime athleisure and workout attire!I've got to say, I am really excited for this monthly feature and slightly nervous, but I've got a feeling this is all going to be GOOD. Pursuing a life that is fashioned, is so much more than just about clothing, but making sure we are well and confident internally. When that layer of us is STRONG, we truly become a RADIANT FORCE.So here's to fashioning our hearts and minds to be WELL.Get The Look: 




Candace Curated Wk 3.8.20


What I Wore In London